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What's the most complicated things that you learned?

Q: What are the most complicated things that you have learned? Can you explain any of them simply? A human-being consists of a being and a body. These are two very separate and very distinct things. A human body is a carbon-oxygen engine that runs at a temperature of 98.6. It is a thing, a quantity. Take a lump of clay and shape it a little like a human body, no matter how crudely, with arms, legs and a head. Sense its temperature, hold it for moment close to the body, sense its temperature again. Move it around. Pick it up, sense its weight, set it down. Have it push against something. Write one small label to stick on it, Body. Who is controlling it? Who wrote the label? Who senses the weight, the solidity, the touch of the clay, the effort against something, and the temperature? This is called a demonstration or a demo. Leave the clay on the table, to use in the next demo. A being is an energy-space knowledge producing intellect that can perceive, distinguish differences, be responsible, control and decide. It uses decisions to create things, it controls things with intentions. It has the power of choice. Take a new lump of clay and shape it into a circle, to represent the being, to show its location, to show its relationship to the body, to show its abilities. Move it near the demo of the body, and further away. Make a small label, being and stick it on the circle. Move the circle to touch the body, and feel its touch, it temperature, its weight, its location and position. Now move the circle away. Now move it back to touch the body, and have it move the body and sense it. Have it have the body push against something and feel the effort to push, and the effort to resist. Have the being make a decision to move the body, and have the body and the being, touching it, move. Feel the motion. Move the circle representing the being away from the lump of clay representing the body. Now write a large label, Write on it, Human-being in your best handwriting or Block Print. Place the label near the bottom of the demo, and turn it over. Now ask a child or another person to look at your demo. Tell them you may not answer any questions. Then have them turn over and read the large label. Ask them, did you see it? Now demo each of the various qualities mentioned and that you can find in this definition, like energy-producing intellect, of what a being is and what it can do. A circle of clay represents an idea or quality, that has no mass. Any idea can be demoed. I like to simplify things by finding a definition that clearly states what a thing, or an idea is or what a skill is. Then when one learns that word, or defines that one word, they have the skill, or they know the idea and can use it. When you demo something it expands your understanding of it, even if that understanding was slight to begin with. Demo a being using a body to learn something. Leon

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